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Old 08-28-2003, 03:50 PM   #9
Lynn T. McCallum Lynn T. McCallum is offline
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Jeff, you're an okay fella in my book. You don't know me very well yet Boy it's hard to pull folks legs around here. You would think we were a bunch of sensitive artist types or something.

I was surprised to see Marvin in the portrait artist scene. I too used to do a bit of commercial art, back in the Stone Age on cave walls. Wasn't my cup of tea.

Since I've been back in the loop it seems a lot has changed, art is always changing and we are always learning. What's the use of doing art if you aren't learning? As a matter of fact what is the use if you aren't changing and learning anything everyday?

We are all in the same boat. A ship of fools floating on and endless sea of canvas and paint.
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