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Old 08-28-2003, 02:43 PM   #8
Jeff Fuchs Jeff Fuchs is offline
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I didn't mean to slight your knowledge of the art scene. Back in the 80s there was no reason for anyone outside of the advertising world to know the names of the major illustrators, Marvin included.

I was also following Malcolm Liepke back in the 80s. Since then, he has made a big splash in the fine art world too, but, in my opinion, didn't remain true to his art in recent years. You should have seen his early work!

And what ever happened to Anita Kunz? I never see that name anymore. Maybe she's still in CA, but I don't follow illustration these days.

But back to Mary's question: I'm hoping that my association with this board will benefit me as much as it has Michelle, Mary, Beth, and others. So far, it's mostly taught me that I am much farther from my goals than I thought I was a year ago. There's nothing worse for an amateur than to surround himself with people who think his work is great. I think that is the main shortcoming of
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