Thread: Quick Charcoals
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Old 08-22-2003, 08:54 PM   #27
John Zeissig John Zeissig is offline
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Joined: Sep 2002
Location: Alameda, CA
Posts: 212
Hi gang,

I was very pumped up Wednesday going into this drawing session,.but events conspired against me. The whole thing was very frustrating. This is the last pose that we got. Twenty minutes, plenty of time. The rest of the session was a bunch of poses from the rear, from the side with face obscured, poses with hands in front of the face. Almost all of the poses were reclining, after twenty one-and-two-minute-warm-up poses. One of the other artists suggested "one where we can see your face" for the last pose. This was it. I worked on this and figured I had it pretty much down, when her timer beeped and she said "five minutes". I thought " I'll clean it up and fix a few things". I should have quit while I was ahead. In the last five minutes I blew a lot of the line work and wound up with what you see here. Good lesson in a way!

It's fun seeing all you shellbacks popping up on the forum. I've had lots of experience sailing, and I'm fond of sailboats as well. Nice boat, Jeff! Looks like she'll take you pretty much anywhere you'd want to go. I figure that our departure from Sausalito with Mike safely aboard might require a little bit of haste, though. We'll want to get out of bottle throwing and buckshot range within about 30 sec., and that's gonna take some horsepower if there's a flood tide coming into Richardson Bay. Quickie portraits at Sturgis! That's brilliant, Steven! You're right, somebody's going to steal that idea.
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John Zeissig
[email protected]
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