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Old 08-18-2003, 03:22 PM   #2
Peter Jochems Peter Jochems is offline
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'02 Finalist, Artists Mag
Joined: Apr 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 276
Hi Renee,

This painting has a very quiet atmosphere.

Since this is a workshop picture, maybe you could add a link to the thread about Marvin's workshop where this came from.

Since there is no source-photograph I try to comment on this piece, and my remarks are suggestions.

I have the feeling that the bridge of the nose is a little too thick, maybe you could check?
The pupil of her left eye seems to be a little too much to the right, and the pupil seems very sharp. (or maybe her pupil on the right is a fraction too much to the left)
Something in the eyes is, therefore, bothering me a little bit, but it's a question of millimeters I think.

I would like to see a wider range of tonal values in the face. A little more contrast in tonal values would give it a more three-dimensional impression. Her cheek on the (for us) right is almost of the same value as the cheeck on the left and the forehead. The part of the face towards the light-source may have lighter areas to give it more depth. I would like to see more contrast in the modelling of the face.

Her lips are almost without colour, maybe a more reddish colour? Although I like in this piece the limited greyish range of colours.

Don't change too much in this painting, it seems finished to me anyway, but try to take my suggestions (and those of others) to future portraits. Maybe you should leave it as it is now and see it as a result and a souvenir of the workshop you attended.

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