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Old 08-15-2003, 12:34 PM   #7
Lisa Gloria
Posts: n/a
What excellent feedback! Thank you all so much for your assistance and guidance.

Steven, red is actually my very favorite color, go figure. In my palette, I usually restrict myself to Venetian red only, to keep myself from going nuts. I've always preferred ruddy tones to vivid ones, so I'm trying to incorporate the vivid ones with deliberation. I have some napthol, alizarin, and cadmium reds I'll be bringing in soon.

Thanks for saying you've "been there." It's great to know!

I think Michele was dead on the money - the source photos were inadequate and I should have done a better job with those. I've learned a lot from this forum on that topic as well and I hope my next project will go better.

P.S. We have power - we're rural! Toledo is down, Detroit was a wreck, but us bumpkins can run the air conditioning on the cows to our hearts content!
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