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Old 08-13-2003, 03:06 PM   #10
Peter Jochems Peter Jochems is offline
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'02 Finalist, Artists Mag
Joined: Apr 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 276
Hi Beth,

I don't like the changes you made. These were finished paintings, and they marked a certain stage in your development. Therefore I wouldn't have changed them anyway.

The addition of blue or cool colours makes them look 'unhealthy', I liked the brownish colour scheme better. They all seem to have lost character somehow. The face of the painter doesn't look as much like him as the first version, is my impression based on the photograph of him standing next to the painting. The rendering of the forms is smoother, which I regret. I would even advice to make the rendering rougher instead of smoother if that suits your personal way of doing things better. One person suits it better to paint smoothly, the other by doing things in a rougher way. (But always be accurate).

I wish there was an 'undo'-button I could use to change them back into the paintings they once were. They weren't perfect, but they had charm.

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