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Old 08-11-2003, 08:52 PM   #1
Lisa Gloria
Posts: n/a
Please critique Ruth and Dick

This is a portrait of Ruth and Dick, taken from about 6 source photos. I'll post a couple, but I don't have scans of all of them.

The painting is 18 x 24 on canvas. The clients like it quite a bit. I struggled with it - every time I read something cool on this forum I went to apply the new tips, and it was like unraveling a sweater, and having to start over from a beginning point.

Because I got them in photos where they are not sitting this close, it was great fun inventing the pose, and creating that illustration-type shirt area.

I'm concerned that the background color was not the best choice. It's way slicker (not as loose) than I intended too - and I'm not really sure how that happened. Also I'm reasearching composition theory because I think it's a real weak point for me.

Thanks in advance.
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