Lisa, thank you for sharing this nightmare commission with the rest of us. Disappointing a client is a fate most of us fear and I hope you will just chalk this one up as experience as I'm sure you have learned a lot with this one.
I got a chuckle when you told me last week that this painting will be discreetly left from your portfolio. Though I too would not classify the painting as a portrait, the bland color scheme you have chosen is effective if you were trying to set the mood of the painting as an outing on a cool foggy beach.
Perhaps those clients were looking for something more vibrant and colorful and didn't specify this requirement to you adequately or inform you in the process. Sometimes a person will buy a painting based on how it makes them feel - which can either be warm or cold.
I am posting this sample (it is one of my mom's paintings) of a beach scene with people that is very warm and colorful. Of course, in this example it is a sunny day and the fog is off in the distance. I think a wide range of colors and values adds interest, but everyone develops their own style and palette preferences and there is certainly nothing wrong with that. (I actually think she got a little too carried away in this example.)
By the way - I am in the running for the Larry Flynt bust commission, so thanks for the tip!