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Old 08-06-2003, 11:28 AM   #1
Mary Sparrow Mary Sparrow is offline
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Ok, Im ready for the firing squad

This was a real challenge for me. First, I am very very very new to this medium, I never ever do adults, and the only portraits I have tried in pastel were on Artspectrum paper, this one is on Canson, so I am dealing with lots of "new" aspects here.

This is a portrait of the client's grandmother who passed away. She had zero close-ups of her that she liked except for this one church picture. She asked that I make her look a little younger and fresher in a pink top.

She is also aware that this is something I have never attempted to do and is aware, I may not pull it off.

So, that said, guidance is appreciated. Also, there is an overall pink cast to this image that isn't there in person.
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