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Old 08-04-2003, 12:37 PM   #9
Robin Manjone Robin Manjone is offline
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Linda and Michele, thank you for taking the time to make me feel so welcome.

I am posting the final painting. I insisted on meeting this person, for I could not envision the changes that the board was asking me to do, with the reference material supplied. So I did have the opportunity to meet with my subject and I studied her for over an hour. Made the difference.

I delivered the portrait to grateful tears. It made me feel very satisfied when someone commented. "We can walk by this portrait everyday and feel our loving Sister is here with us"

Michele, thank you for leading me to the threads on photographing your own subject, I learned a lot. This particular portrait was a surprise. I had to work with what was available to me. I do prefer to photograph and or work from life whenever I can.

Linda, I toned down most of the harsh tones. When I saw her face in person, I realized how fair skinned she was. It is amazing how different a photograph can portray someone. I made the changes, I do believe the essence of her spirit shines through with this painting. Thank you for your loving support.

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