I just came back from San Francisco, having tavelled with my French easel and two very wet paintings.
I placed the easel, brushes and paints all in the largest suitcase that would fit them. I had at one point bought two frames from Aaron Brothers that were packaged in frame protectors. I took those along since the corners had a flap to hold the frame in. I placed my wet canvases in those protectors with the wet sides facing each other. I placed them on top of the easel and closed the suitace.
I had checked my suitcase and the agent at the gate thought I looked suspicious enough to send me and the suitcase through security. The agent opened the suitcase and got a wonderful whiff of wet oil paint, got scared of the ugly faces I had painted and sent the suitcase right through.
So, I guess if you check the luggage you should be ok.
Bye the way, the frame protectors worked great. Since they are made of cardboard, they were lightweight, but sturdy enough to protect the canvases during transit. The flaps prevented the paintings from touching and all that is needed is a light touch up at the corners.