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Old 07-17-2003, 07:40 PM   #64
Timothy C. Tyler Timothy C. Tyler is offline
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Location: Siloam Springs, AR
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Carl, he had a Degas too I think. He was tight with Claude (Monet was only slightly older). He collected good works and told others like E.S. Gardner which works to buy from certain folks and she gladly listened to him. By age 33 Sargent was more financially successful than most of his fellows (working outside). They took his money and snubbed him and resented his success (almost as much as Frye and Whistler) to whom Sargent also worked very hard to get work.

I look at those watercolors and think why would anyone ever try? I know of no other collection of watercolors, by one artist, better than the complete works of Sargent.

His compositons alone would secure his place in history.

Peter and Tom, those guys in the North could really paint huh?
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