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Old 07-15-2003, 10:41 AM   #56
Carl Toboika Carl Toboika is offline
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Joined: May 2003
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Posts: 132

The Bouguereau is likely still at the Met, but probably in storage, (I suppose it could be loaned out). I once inquired after the "Heart of the Andes" painting at a time it was not hung, and was told that they occasionally rotate things. Those they have in storage coming out, others that were out, going back in for various reasons. The painting I inquired after has been displayed on my subsequent visits. So, take heart, they likely will display it again. Of course this is just a guess on my part given my one time experience, and the information I received on their practices at the Museum.

For me Renoir is a hit or miss affair. Some of his work I can definitely appreciate in the way Peter so eloquently described. Others just ask me to throw away to much of what I like to see in a painting, without giving me enough of something else to take it's place, and so I fail to appreciate the particular work. The Clark had a good size temporary display of his work when I was there, and many pieces I had not seen before. It was often a solid hit, or a very real strike out to my eye.

Disagreement over the ability of the Impressionists: Disagreement seems to have a valuable place in discourse to me. When I follow a disagreement, I find that I pick up a good deal of information from 2 sides of an issue. I appreciate the effort towards refining a point, that is made on both sides. That extra effort, inspired by argument, often brings interesting points to light. That
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