I'm as discerning as the next artist in regard to what one should include in a portfolio, almost to a fault. Most of my own work, to me, seems awfully safe sometimes.
However, the danger in underestimating the range of what clients will respond to is that it limits their ablility to learn what the potential for portrait art is on the whole, and moreover, it causes artists to "self-edit" and stop stretching for the transcendant image.
An atypical subject, stupendously painted, will resonate with even an unsophisticated layperson; they can appreciate excellence without necessarily being able to articulate why. Or at least that's my hope. We can't fault the public for expecting poker-playing dogs if that's all we give them.
But I realize that your effort is toward helping Kim get started, and it's a very generous and commendable thing.
"The dream drives the action."
--Thomas Berry, 1999