Hey, I am really enjoying all this.
There is the part of me that says, "Well, I don't care if it is advantageous to my portfolio. After all, I was inspired!" Like I am going to stick to my vision no matter what, clients and critics be ****ed. Now, if that were truly how I felt that would be great, but we all need to make a living and I take less-than-perfect commissions here and there because the bills need to be paid. So much for my ideals.
I appreciate the fact that if I want to appeal to a wider range of clients I need to stick to classical poses/views, not to mention improve my skills. There is only one of this particular pose and I have no plans to replicate it. It was a fun thing to try basically. People have come into my studio and loved it, but here it is not a hit. I'm glad to know that.
The advice here is geared toward pleasing the client so we can make more money and achieve success - that is why I am here, so it's all good. By the way, my husband and mother hated it too - not the painting, but the harsh pose. I am glad I tried it, I still love it, but I believe this is something I will not do again. Thanks again for all the input.
Any suggestions on the expectant mother I mentioned above?
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn