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Old 07-13-2003, 11:07 AM   #7
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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Joined: Dec 2001
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I am curious if any of you have opinions regarding small boys or adolescent boys with no shirts on - whether this is appropriate for portraits.
I think the question must be considered in some particular context. Children on the beach would look right at home bare chested. Otherwise, the question will emerge: "what was the rationale behind your decision to paint this scene in this way?"

Peter and Michele's point regarding the photo reference is a critical one. When left to our own devices we will often turn to family or friends for our inspiration. Instead of selecting from "that stack" of photo references, I would sit down and imagine a scene which is both inspirational for you, and more importantly, satisfies the needs of a prospective clientele. Try and fill your portfolio with direct intention.
Mike McCarty
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