Good Luck Tim, I think your photo of the inside of the church is great. It looks like a wonderful studio site.It actually looks better than I thought.
I am relating to you in a small way. Presently I am looking into a small place in a nearby small town.It is in the same area of the 4-star Greenbrier Resort which is very upscale. This tiny town is nearly a ghost town (matter of speaking) but now, there are very high end homes being erected (sold already) another huge golf course and country club. I am hoping that I am making a right move.My hopes are to gain exposure so I can attract highter end work.At the moment I am near my home and not on a main highway to be reached easily.The public does not know where I am.
Unfortunately, I do not feel that I can sell art alone so I need to carry other "art" items on consignment, etc. I fear that I am not going to have time to paint with running a full time business but hope this will lead to better commissions for portraits or other paintings.My hubby may be able to fill in now and then. He is not extremely excited about the idea though.Too risky but I feel the need to try something instead of just hope for more with no action on my part.My rent is going to be real cheap as I am doing most of the clean up, painting, floors, etc. myself.And I don't mean hiring it done.Good old elbow grease.
Need some positive feedback here.
Good Luck to you as I know you will do fine.