Denise not knowing you and Renee hadn't had the chance to scan some of your photos yet, I thought I would post some of mine.
First, I thougth I would explain...
When my husband, Mike, arrived the last hour of the workshop on the last day and saw Marvin cleaning his brushes, which are kept in a perfectly patentable designed contraption for travel as well as studio
Marvin mixes his palette based on values so there is no need for guessing when the color is needed. He is also a stickler for having a clean brush per value, which adds up to a lot of brushes. Being the master mind he is he came up with an ingenious brush holder which he adapted for his workshops using styrafoam. Since I was the last to leave with Denise, Renee, Spouses and Tom - I of course went through the garbage when I saw them throw out a lot of wood from the tables we used for the week (Tom, I think you grabed some too), well this is what I did with a little plastic piping and glue: