Thread: The Last One
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Old 06-02-2003, 08:26 AM   #1
Mary Sparrow Mary Sparrow is offline
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The Last One

For now anyway...and I won't bore you with any more of this baby. This particular one was really a little more from life than the other, so I don't have a photo for you, I had one in this pose with a flash, but she sat in her bouncy next to me. THEN, I read all the stuff about health hazards and breathing dust Oh well, won't do that again. I have fallen so in love with this medium in just a few days I can't get motivated to go do the oils I'm being PAID to do. I'm finding that I'm alot braver with the color with these pastels, but am I over doing it? I find that I want to smudge and blend everything and this Art Spectrum paper is so coarse, would a different paper suit me better?
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