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Joined: Jun 2001
Location: Arizona
Posts: 2,481
Dear Mary,
I see that your question is really about the source material, yes?
It's nearly impossible to get a photo of a baby this age without the "Michelin effect"; every new parent has countless photos of the new baby, propped up as best can be, looking at their little double or triple chins, and right up their little nostrils.
I routinely suggest to people that that they wait until the baby is about 16 months old at the earliest, unless the child is being held by an adult or older sibling. It's possible that you might get some good reference material, but the odds just aren't with you.
This is, of course, unrelated to your posted portrait, which has fresh clean color and a spontaneous stroke. Without seeing your source material, I can't completely comment, but things I would double check are the cool violets in the shadows, which may be too cool, and the value onthe cheek facing us. It is very light and contributes to the pudginess of the face. Check also the value of the lips, as they may be too light. Double check the drawing as well, especially the eyes.
It looks to me like you are in the right medium!