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Old 02-19-2002, 11:38 PM   #8
Chris Saper Chris Saper is offline
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Dear Peggy,

What a very insightful notion. As I think about it, I agree with you more and more that in the "potential" for movement there is a tremendous energy, no matter how restrained.
I think that the flip side of that kind of energy occurs when you capture a subject at the moment that a motion is completed, poised for rest.

This sense is very different from some of the traditonal poses, which perhaps characterize conventional corporate pieces, ie executives in suits, surrounded by the symbols of their success, about to sign Important Legal Documents.

I think also that your insight speaks to the nature of spontaneity tha isn't possible painting from life, no matter how quickly one paints. What do you think?

My deepest compliments on your beautiful work, and kindest regards,

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