Dear Alicia,
I do not work in pastels so I can not offer you advice about your medium. I will tell you however the observations I have made about your drawing skills. You need to look at the little boy's face more closely.
1. If you hold a ruler from one corner of the eye to the other and compare that angle to the angle of the eyes you have drawn you will see that they are off.
2. As an artist you don't have to copy every detail of the reference photo. In this case the girl's hair touches the boy's hair, weakening the illusion of foreshortening. Get rid of that strand of hair to make the boy come forward even more.
3. The cheek area (our right) is off as well. Notice how his cheek poufs out. That stretches the skin around his chin, making the chin seem wider.
4. This is a mistake I make to this day as well. Avoid sharp lines in the face. Both individual's lips are too defines, as are his eyes. I suggest you look at the drawing done by Jimmie Arroyo. Notice how soft everything looks.
I hope these observations will be of some help. Post again so I can see the progress.