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Old 05-22-2003, 10:35 AM   #9
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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Dear Tim,

Thank you for your kind observations. The Sargent painting that influenced my color choice was actually a landscape painting. It showed a building by the canal in Venice.

I have no reference for this piece since it is all my own creation. You are absolutely right though, the flowers have to be toned down and the corner of the mouth should blend into the skin. I also noticed that her rib cage is off and needs correcting. It always amazes me how the errors make themselves known, once you look at the work on-line. Since I had originally posted this thread, I have been working on the face and wonder if her skin is less pasty looking now?
Enzie Shahmiri
Professional Portrait Artist
Founder of Southern California Society of Portrait Artists
World Market Portraits Blog
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