Thread: Brothers
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Old 05-16-2003, 09:13 AM   #4
Jimmie Arroyo Jimmie Arroyo is offline
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Thank you, and I agreee with you completely. I went through the threads on how to handle teeth, and I did give them a try, but I wasn't happy with the blended teeth look. Although it probably would have worked with the younger one, but I only tried it on the older. It got to a point where I was very concerned about building up too much pigment. I did add flesh tones over the teeth, which I've never really experimented with before I started doing children's portraits.

I love taking my own pictures and usually use flash myself, but so far any commissions have been surprise gifts and taking my own pics would have been a problem. I stopped using direct flash for my personal drawings and have achieved more natural results.

Although the blues are intense, they are a bit less saturated in the originals, but still strong. The mat actually took care of the halo look, but to be honest, I really didn't notice until you mentioned it. I realize I could have handled it better. Thanks again!
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