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Old 05-13-2003, 03:55 AM   #5
Sophie Ploeg Sophie Ploeg is offline
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Gosh! What a load of suggestions - thanks soo much! I really appreciate the time you took to look and write.

The trees: yes, they were an afterthought. I liked the stark outline of the building and the geometric character it provided before, but feared the couple/clients might find it a bit too stylized and modern. So I looked for ways to 'soften' the outlines and found there are quite some trees on the actual scene. Tried to make them harmonize with the rest of the painting by using blues and purples.

The outline of the steps is an excellent point - I will certainly soften that! It is not a church though and really not that big. Only the ground floor and then the gable/roofline starts. I did find it difficult to get some depth in the painting, as the couple, building and trees seem too much 'cut and pasted' over one another. Since the building is from a straight angle, I suppose I have to rely on colour perspective here....??

I've got every flexibility to size, so could easily crop, but am not sure, it would darken the painting dramatically. I struggled with that, as I wanted the painting to be bright and sunny, but not too harsh in contrasts. If I lighten the building, the couple fades away, and if I darken it (and make the couple 'pop' more) the painting gets too dark. Need to find a good balance...

I will read and analyze your comments on the features of the couple carefully and thank you very much, because that has been frustrating!!

Boy, I hope they are gonna like it!

Thanks again for all your help!

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