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Old 05-12-2003, 12:27 AM   #18
Patt Legg Patt Legg is offline
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Beth, your Cindy is wonderful. The group at Marvin's workshop in Carolina will have someone else to rib and throw shoes at. ME! Still got the weebie-jeebies or something like that. Any ideas or advice on keeping your cool and how not to shrink in a corner at these workshops? Ha.

And Michael, I am in no way comparing my art to yours, but have to admit I can relate to your description of tight, tight, tight. I have the very same problem (if it is considered a problem or a no-no) in painting. The paintings which are very tight really do not bother me. But I have seen tight blending - rather overblending - and IMO, the skin tones appear to be waxy or too shiny and unreal. Therefore, this adds to the above mentioned fear of workshops due to the fact that it is usually fast paced compared to the way I work. Wish me luck at Marvin's.
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