Thread: Self portrait
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Old 05-09-2003, 05:00 PM   #20
Jean Kelly Jean Kelly is offline
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Location: Madison, WI
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You assume too much

Hi Brian. My art history and study is very rusty, as my formal schooling was 30 years ago! I'm still reeling from discovering Bougereau and the simple beauty of his paintings. So, I did a search on Bonnard (I'm assuming you mean Pierre). His work is full of light, and quite lovely, and very different from what I'm doing. I know I'm still too exacting and tight, but I love a beautiful line, and try to incorporate line quality into my paintings. Maybe I get too hung up on it, or possibly now need to look at line and beautiful light!

I'll start experimenting with the transparent color more, and do some research. Your comments have pushed me to a different level and they are appreciated. Thank you.

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