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Old 05-05-2003, 10:18 PM   #2
Mari DeRuntz Mari DeRuntz is offline
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Joined: Apr 2002
Location: Southern Pines, NC
Posts: 487
If this is your first workshop, you're in for such a treat.... the luxury of being able to disappear from your life and immerse yourself in the role of studying from a living master is a very unique and precious gift. Take candid photographs, if you can force your mind off the intense track of focusing 110% on what he is saying/doing.

Consider bringing a small video camera, if you have one. It's so difficult to catch everything on the first pass.

I remember during the Allan Banks workshop being incredibly in-tune to everything he said. He is a man of few words, in fact, is very self-effacing and not entirely comfortable with the role of teaching (we're the only group he currently teaches, and he comes down annually--I know, how was I so lucky to live in Sarasota?!) but the things he said very much still resonate.

Have you seen Greene's video tapes? If you can view them, they'd be an excellent preparation for the two week course.

You're going to have such a great time. Is the medium oil or pastels?
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