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Old 04-16-2003, 06:09 PM   #10
Debra Norton Debra Norton is offline
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Joined: Jan 2002
Location: Montesano, Washington
Posts: 236
Beth, I'm one of those mostly silent 350 people, but I know what you're going through! Last summer I attended one of Peggy Baumgaertner's workshops. I went in fear and trembling, and came home exhausted. I also came home with a wealth of knowledge and wondering how to put it into practice. (Bought her videos to help with that.) I went feeling very stupid; I had hardly picked up a paint brush in the last twenty years. I progressed with the "slow" half of the class, but I learned much from watching the others ahead of us. All in all it was a great experience, and I'm sure it will be the same for you.

This summer I plan on attending some of The Atelier's workshops. I'll be there in fear and trembling too - I haven't done much drawing from life, and that's what they focus on. Maybe Linda will be there and we can tremble together.

Steven's already given great advice so I won't say more except that I'm sure you'll have a great time. Just go with a teachable spirit and you'll do great.

Debra Norton

P. S. I'll pray for you.
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