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Old 04-16-2003, 09:23 AM   #6
Elizabeth Schott Elizabeth Schott is offline
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Thanks to all of you above! This is some thoughts Tiger Woods sent me personally and gave me permission to share!

As far as the workshop goes, simply relax and have a great time. You will be among friends who love you. All of us are human and all of us make mistakes with in our work. If it were not so, it wouldn't be art. Yes, it will be difficult, but I and everybody else there will do all we can to help each other. We plan to have a lot of fun and I intend for this to be a very stimulating positive experience. I'm personally dedicating and devoting this time to do everything I can to help you do it easier and better. There are so many things that you can't get from books, things you have to see and try out "on the job." That is what a workshop is good for.

You already know a lot of people who will be there. As nice as Chris, Michele, Linda and Michael G. are on the Internet; I can tell you they are even nicer in person. I deem it a great honor to have them, and you, in the class. You too will be able to share a great deal and teach us many things. This will be a mutual growth experience.

Don't lose any sleep over this. This is going to be fun. You will work hard, but it will be exhilarating and even refreshing.

Above all, nobody is going to think less of you or your work. The idea is not to tear down but to build up. Remember that for every painting mistake you make, I have made at least a hundred. The reason I'm happy to do this workshop is so that I can try to help you avoid all the mistakes I have made. Bill
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