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Old 04-16-2003, 09:01 AM   #5
Linda Nelson Linda Nelson is offline
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Elizabeth -

If I can add a few thoughts that hopefully can help -

1. It's natural to be nervous, and don't feel intimidated that you're the only one who is. There is a school in town here called The Atelier. It's a school with exceptional talent and an exceptional reputation. Every time I've taken an evening class there, I am amazed at how nervous I am at the beginning. My hands shake and I literally have to remind myself to breathe!

2. Your analogy to golf is a great one in that golf is one of few sports where you do it with others, but really it's just a game where you're "competing" against yourself - how well you do each time compared to the last. So don't worry about other people's "game". Just concentrate on your own.

3. The emotions are high because you love what you're doing and it means a lot to you to do a good job. There's nothing more exciting for a teacher than to have a student who is passionate.

I hear even Barbara Streisand hyperventilates before going on stage.

4. You'll do great!

Hope this helps.

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