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Old 04-14-2003, 10:52 AM   #11
Mai Ly Mai Ly is offline
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Hi Beth,

I like the overall colour pattern of the painting. I have a couple of comments though:

1. What does her daughter or family think of the likeness of the older woman? Because I think it does not look quite like her. Her cheeks in the photo come out a bit more, and a bit rounder, especially on the shadow/farther side. Her nose is also not as 'thick' in the photograph. However, you are doing a good job altering the lips and expresssion on her face. She looks more pleasant now.

2. The cheek levels on the girl are not at the same level. From what I see, the left cheek is a much more prominent and higher than the one on our right. Also, her neck on our left is 'puffed' out a bit, instead of a nice jaw line that you have indicated from the first painting that you posted. It is hard because I don't have a reference to compare.

I know what it is like to paint from a poor photo reference, and have made a promise to myself that I won't do that again. I try paint from photographs that I took myself only, and that helps a lot so far, at least for me!

Hope my input helps. Good luck with the painting!

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