The lawyer thing to do here is to scheme to get somebody else to build my big palette for me.
Do you paint those wonderful paintings sitting down? Oh, Mike! Get up and wander around. Sway from side to side if you don't have room to dance. Turn up the volume of whatever you're listening to. You must find ways to increase your enjoyment in the creative process. It's not just a hand-eye coordination exercise. Creativity is much more corporeal than is commonly believed. You have got to find ways to pull yourself into wanting to come to work every day, which is the only way to get yourself good enough so that there will be a line of collectors and clients stretching into infinity.
I am working with Cynthia to get a Forum category going about the whole creative process. I worry that we lose people on the Forum when we concentrate solely on technique, or painting from photos to make clients happy. A lot of talented people just haven't gotten themselves into the ballpark because they get too discouraged on the path. (Mixed metaphor?) I read an awful lot about the creative process, about writing as well as about art, and I'm sure many others have strong opinions as well. There's a lot of wonderful comments scattered throughout this Forum already, but unless you get on every day you can miss reading posts. It'd be nice to have one place to go on the Forum to share ideas on this issue.
As you can probably tell, one of my big problems is digression, so Steven will have to come in and clean me up.
Chris and I share a very sick and lively sense of humor. I'm not sure how much actual work would get done in a joint workshop. I tell her to keep working and she tells me to keep working. All artists must have somebody who comes in, whacks you hard with a big palette, and then begs you to keep working. But that's the subject of a different thread.
Best regards,