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Old 02-13-2002, 05:12 PM   #1
Margaret Elvin Margaret Elvin is offline
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Digital camera question on color balance

Someone lent me a Sony DSC-S75 to play around with. I'm trying to photograph my w/c portraits and am having the darnedest time getting the colors to come close to what they should be. I have tried photographing them inside and outside, on all sides of the house, using both manual and automatic controls. In desperation I tried photographing a portrait in our finished basement which has white walls & carpet and an area of full spectrum fluorescent light. This came closest to actual paint colors, but still required adjustment with contrast/brightness/intensity on the Corel software. I've read good things about the Nikon Coolpix 995 in other threads, but wonder if I would still have these problems. There's a feature that controls 'white balance' (ISO?) that I'm suspecting to be part of the problem. No matter what adj's I make, there's either too much red, or too much blue. Also, as a test, I photographed plain white paper: it turned gray!

Printing is another nightmare altogether, but I'll save that for the computer corner at a later date.

Any ideas (or commiseration) would be very appreciated.

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