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Old 04-01-2003, 12:37 PM   #9
Karin Wells Karin Wells is offline
FT Pro, Mem SOG,'08 Cert Excellence PSA, '02 Schroeder Portrait Award Copley Soc, '99 1st Place PSA, '98 Sp Recognition Washington Soc Portrait Artists, '97 1st Prize ASOPA, '97 Best Prtfolio ASOPA
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Joined: Jun 2001
Location: Peterborough, NH
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1. For the face (or other skintone parts), for example, do you glaze the whole area with say, burnt umber, and then go over it with an opaque mixture of skintone immediately on the light areas, and blend it in (I think this is what I would do). Or, do you glaze the shadow parts separately, and put the opaque paint on the light parts, and blend both parts in?
I would glaze all the skin areas with burnt umber and let it dry completely. When it is dry, glaze all again very thinly and exactly match the skin tone in the light. Scumble this over all skin areas. Into this wet scumble, you can then begin to build your skin tones in the light areas only with thicker more opaque paint.
2. Do you sand your painting in between at all for your glaze work? I did my underpainting all with pure paint (white + raw umber), and was going to go over it one more time (a scumble), just white + raw umber with medium, let it dry, sand it down a bit, before applying colours. Am I doing it right?
You do not need to scumble over an underpainting with more underpainting mixture. As far as sanding goes, I would not sand a glaze as glazes are so delicate and thin. I would, however, sand thick opaque paint it if needed it. Glazing and scumbling will eventually build up a smooth rich porcelain-like surface to your work without sanding.
3. I know that I have wait for the paint to dry before put layer of glaze on. Does that mean dry to the touch?
It depends on what medium you are using. The whole point is that your glaze should not disturb the paint underneath it. When I use (WN) Liquin or (Gamblin) Galkyd Lite, it is usually dry enough the next day to glaze.
Karin Wells
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