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Old 03-31-2003, 01:37 PM   #1
Mai Ly Mai Ly is offline
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Underpainting and how to apply colours

Hello Everyone,

This is an underpainting (second attempt - I could not save the last one, even though Michael Georges helped me with the sanding idea ) of my 5-year-old daughter, Kathryn.

I also attached a photo reference which I used for the painting. I changed the red cushion size on the right, as I found the large size was a bit over-powering for the subject. I also changed the curvature of the settee on the right, as I found the straight line across the painting was distracting and boring.

I intend to glaze the face and other skin exposed areas, the hat and the lace on the dress, the background settee, and the background. I also intend to apply 'velaturas' (semi-opaque paint, is this how one says this?) for the dress and cushions. I will put the rest of the details, like the edges on the bottom of the dress with opaque paint at the end.

I would appreciate advice for the following:

1. How effective is my light and shadow for the whole painting?

2. How are my edges and light on the focal point? I would like to put the focus on the face and the hand areas, but keep her surroundings 'quiet'.

3. I am not sure how to glaze the hat and the lace, so that the dark 'holes' will show through. When I do direct painting, I would just paint the whole area with darker paint (like yellow ochre + a bit of burnt umber + white), and put the details with lighter paint (naples yellow + white) on top. But, for glazing, should I glaze the shadow part with darker paint, and the light part with lighter paint, and then paint opaque for the holes?

4. Also, for glazing, I was told to mix the paint with maximum of 20% of medium. Apply this mixture on the painting, and wipe it off with a rag, to get the glaze/transparent look. I think Michael Georges glazes some part of your paintings sometimes. Is this how you would do it? I know Karin Wells said on a different thread that she would add lots of medium into the paint for her glazes.

Please see below for the photo reference, the whole painting and close-ups for the face and hands/lace.

I am sure there are lots of faults in my underpaintings, so if someone can see them and point them out to me, I would grately appreciate it. I would like to fix them before putting colours on it.

Thank you in advance for your help.



Here is the whole painting
Attached Images
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