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Old 03-27-2003, 10:50 AM   #9
Oana Lauric Oana Lauric is offline
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Location: Portland, ME
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Sharon, thank you for taking the time to critique my piece. I greately admire your work and read with joy not only the compliments regarding my colors and brushwork but also and maybe even more, the issues raised and the suggested solutions.

Everybody seems to agree on the infortunate cut arm, but your idea about yet another flower in the other hand is a... tempting novelty. Why not?

I think I'll change that cropped arm's position from lateral to back, reducing its length in raccourci and so allowing the hand to fully show up, slightly blurred and somewhat smaller due to depth of field (Josef's hint), together with the third flower. This will also explain better the size of the front rose, larger than expected and, as you say, will increase the flow of the composition. Nice!

As for the diapers, I have no particular problem with them myself, my intention was actually to suggest some informal "cover" (the "baby" is three years old, by the way - out of diapers long ago!) but the putti suggestion really "caught" me, I might try that.

I don't agree about the nose. This is my model's nose, it gives him personality and I'll probably keep it as-is. But the un-differentiated highlights, that's a problem and I thank you for bringing it to my attention.

I don't think I can do much about the picture plane, but got big hopes that the new composition will also serve to unify the disparate objects in a not-anymore-so-relative space.

Time for me now to put the mouse down and grab the brushes - thank you all again for these priceless critiques! I'll stay in touch.

Oana Lauric, portrait artist
[email protected]
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