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Old 03-27-2003, 09:04 AM   #8
Sharon Knettell Sharon Knettell is offline
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The Grinch and Poetry


I feel like a grinch, commenting on what is meant to be a very poetic painting.

You color combination is exquisite, that lucious salmon with the subdued green of the background. Your brushwork is lovely.

I am having a problem with the composition, drawing and the form.

The cut off arm, for me, is really distracting. It would have strengthened the grasping theme more strongly if the baby had a flower in his other hand and had the dilemma of where to put the next flower. This would have increased the flow of the composition. I also do not care for truncated limbs.

Perhaps this is personal, for some reason I do not find diapers appealing, I always associate them with their end use. A naked putti would have been much more appealing and allegorical.

The nose on the baby's face seems a tad long. The highlights, scattered across the form seem to be the same value wherever they are placed. Also I detect a lack of a picture plane which serves to unite disparate elements in relative space.

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