Thanks Karin and Dave. First Dave, you're right, maybe I'm not using a transparent color. I have Transparent Oxide Red and it is truly TP. However, other colors don't seem to act like it does even though their considered TP. The actual process I'm using is this. I use raw umber for the underpainting, let dry, then glaze with yellow ochre and zinc white for first flesh tones. Thanks for the URL's, will check them out today.
Next Karin, Yes, I can post a picture, but I would like to give you two. One of an underpainting, then one after the glaze. That would take awhile, so I'll take one of the current picture and post it soon. If you look at it you'll see that after just the one coat, any more glazing will almost completely do away with the shadows in the face. I am growing very fond of this style of painting. With working full time, it allows me to do very high quality paintings in incremental stages.