Ah, Marvin,
If it were possible, I would be your next dead horse, and you could flog me to your delight. Oops, I meant to say I would be in your next workshop.
Alas, I am 5 hours from Vancouver, the nearest pot of humanity that is likely to contain a teaching portrait artist of significance. Hopefully I will be lucky enough to discover otherwise.
About the effectivness of this Forum (on which you commented elsewhere), I must disagree with you. I could never have gained the understanding or made the progress I did without it. Your very own comments and examples have made a substantial contribution to that progress. Although I've never thanked you before, I do so now.
I do recognize this Forum can never replace direct exposure. But it can prepare us for one by plowing the dirt where you or your peers will plant your seeds. (Forgive the earthy illustration.) It can even protect us from bad instruction by establishing a basic understanding of concepts we might never have been exposed to otherwise.
Until I can get to one of those workshops, I shall continue to be a sponge here (an activity some people consider me well suited for.)
I look forward to seeing that color study.
Will Enns