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Old 03-20-2003, 12:39 AM   #2
Will Enns Will Enns is offline
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Location: Summerland, BC, Canada
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Flattery will get you everywhere. Here is the explanation you ask for.
Had I known flattery could generate such good information, I would simply have flattered myself and written those wise words of yours myself. (laugh here.)

Thank you for that very detailed description. I've heard much talk of color studies, but didn't know what one looked like, or just how to generate one.

I find your comment especially revealing that Bouguereau's skin tones looked so realistic even if color was not accurate because he maintained consistent color relationships throughout the painting. I suppose this is the same reason a tinted photo can be colored wrong but still appear correct within its own framework. (?)

Would it seem reasonable to take notes on the colors used for each of the color notes?

When you work on the final, do you always have the study at hand?

I hope you will consider photographing one of your studies next time your color camera is out. I'm sure I am not the only novice who would like to see one. The reason I think this important is we novices often get distracted by detail not related to the task at hand.

Thank you again. This is very helpful, and your time is not wasted.
Will Enns
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