Thread: Kate
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Old 03-19-2003, 04:18 PM   #8
Marta Prime Marta Prime is offline
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I have refrained from getting too much into the critiques lately, as I feel most of the artists asking for critiques are hoping for comments from the Pro's, and you clearly have that here. Great advice from Michele and Sharon.

One area kept bothering me, though, and I find it helpful when someone points out those specific problem areas. The first thing I noticed about this painting was its appeal, it is really a wonderful composition, and I think it is well done. Beside the areas Michelle pointed out, I found the shoulder distracting. It sort of gives her a hunchback look. When comparing it to the photo, you see that the shoulder is not rounded, it actually has a definite angle that makes the anatomy fall into place better.

I sometimes have my oldest daughter come by to critique my paintings. Has she had artistic training? No, but she has a really good eye and often sees problem areas that are oblivious to me. I really wish she had time to learn to paint, she draws very well.

As for changing the style in the middle of the painting, I wondered if you are doing this because you are not comfortable with this more realistic style, or because your brother-in-law prefers the looser style? I really like looser style painting that are done well, but I know my heart is in the realisic catagory.

Please forgive me if I have overstepped my boundaries. I think so much of this Forum and the people in it, and I defer to their much greater judgment and experience.
Marta Prime
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