Thread: Formal
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Old 03-07-2003, 07:18 PM   #6
Brad Utterstrom Brad Utterstrom is offline
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Location: Portland, OR
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The best suggestion I have for improvement is to work on the likeness in the face. I think most of the areas look pretty good as is, but when you put the photo and the painting side by side like that you can see some glaring differences in the face.

In the photo, her face is a bit longer. That is, the distance from chin to hairline is longer in the photo, whereas the distance from hairline to top of hair is shorter in the photo. But of course it's not as simple as raising the hairline, because that just gives her a longer forehead which isn't the answer either. I don't know if you want to get into messing around with the facial features or not, but that's the best suggestion I can make.

Overall it looks very nice. And as you pointed out, it's more a figurative piece than a portrait, so perhaps you're not too concerned with getting an exact likeness.
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