A couple people have touched on this, but I wanted to elaborate. In your drawing, the point at the back of the head to the forehead is basically a straight line. And then from the forehead to the chin is another almost straight line. This gives her head a very square look.
If you look at the photo, it's not nearly as squared off. Make the back of the head and top of the head a little more rounded, and also you could change a couple minor details along the edge of the face to keep that from being so straight. For instance, there should be a little bump above her eyebrow that will break up the straightness of that line.
It's so easy to overlook these types of problems in your own work because you stare at the thing for so long that you begin to see what you think is in front of you and not what actually is in front of you. So hopefully these comments are helpful to you. Overall I think it's a very nice portrait and with these minor adjustments can be that much better.