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Old 02-24-2003, 06:41 PM   #24
Elizabeth Schott Elizabeth Schott is offline
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Thanks Michele, Karin, and Peter,

We had a snow day today so I tried to get in touch with Katie to come over and sit, but she must be sledding.

I hit myself for not remembering the rule on the "eye ball" that you pointed out Michele. I think that is what could be bothering you, Peter. In one of my reference photos she is looking straight on, so I have been working from that today. But as Karin pointed out, I missed the opportunity to down play this whole "eye" thing by changing her pose. Her eyes just do weird things and I am afraid to play with them much more than what I have done today. I'll try to post it in the a.m.

She is starting to look like the lady that was married to Donald Trump - a little too fancy! Maybe she can tell people it was her, 10 years from now!

I am toning it all down, Karin, especially those hot lips and the purple hair shadows. I'll work on that background too! (The dress has just been blocked in.)
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