Karin, I'm mostly interested in breaking down the science of it rather then finding short cuts to "fake it." Just as an artist should learn muscle structure for drawing the figure well, one should also do the same with other subjects such as drapery. I can see what's happening with my eyes but I want to know why it happens or why it looks the way it does. Da Vinci studied drapery exclusively for a while as well as other artists of the past.
Tito, considering painting as a language is a good analogy. However, such can be reversed to prove my curiosity as well. I could, theoretically, repeat a word to somebody in another language and have no clue what it means, this does not prove that I know the language. Same with painting. I could repeat everything from life like I was a camera but unless I know why I'm painting the things the way they are, I am nothing more then a camera.
Steven, that is a good idea. I never thought about fashion illustrations to learn drapery. That one that you mention, I have seen but never read. I'm going to do a few searches on that tonight and look at that book the next time I'm at the bookstore. Thanks.