Thread: Roses
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Old 02-14-2003, 01:01 AM   #14
Jeremiah White Jeremiah White is offline
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The proportions and layout look well planned.

Since you are mostly going for tips and pointers, I'll go ahead and add my humble opinions.

One thing I noticed about your work is your use of color. Your colors are a bit unnatural. They appear too "plastic" and too colorful for lack of a better description. There is a pasty quality which may or may not be what you were going for. I'll try not to repeat what's already been said either to avoid being redundant. However I will have to recap on the edges. A lot of the edges seem too blurry and weak. One of the causes of this is using too "dry" of a brush technique. To sharpen the edges and make them pop, try using a medium or thinner and try to minimize the brush strokes. This will also help for creating good hair.

I know you're probably familiar with the work of Sargent so I would suggest that you study his paintings and look at how he was able to achieve some of the effects that he did. It should help out.
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