Thread: Roses
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Old 02-13-2003, 09:34 PM   #12
Leslie Ficcaglia Leslie Ficcaglia is offline
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Michele, are you saying that it would be easier to achieve a more rounded, three-dimensional look if the face were lit from the side instead?

And by the outlines around the head and hair, do you mean the backlit effect? I was trying to emphasize the secondary light behind her to separate the head from the background, but apparently that didn't work either?

You're right, I'm not going to go in to make any changes on the canvas at this point; I'm just trying to use this as a learning experience. The issue came up regarding the prominence of the roses, but apparently there's something to be learned about light sources as well. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Leslie M. Ficcaglia
Minnamuska Creek Studio
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