Thread: Roses
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Old 02-13-2003, 04:47 PM   #10
Leslie Ficcaglia Leslie Ficcaglia is offline
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This wasn't a standard portrait - more of a figurative work. But if the concept wasn't conveyed as I intended it then it failed, and I need to go back and rethink what I was trying to do. A piece should be able to stand on its own without explanation; that's why I didn't try to provide a rationale when I first posted it.

The latest scan is the closest one yet to the actual painting; it's brighter and there's more contrast than in the one at the top. I don't know whether that addresses any of Michele's concerns but I can see that there should be more tonal range anyway.

Thanks for the compliment on my work. I love portraying people in settings which are meaningful for them. It adds a lot to the statement about them.
Leslie M. Ficcaglia
Minnamuska Creek Studio
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