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Old 02-10-2003, 02:51 PM   #7
Minh Thong Minh Thong is offline
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Thanks Mr. Edgerton, I'll run by Walmart this week with my handy-dandy value finder to purchase a few yards of grey material. I would assume there certain materials that should be avoided because they could change the sense of value. For example, I guess I wouldn't want satin or polyester due to the sheen, which could throw off the value. I'll try to find cotton cloth, which should be rather matte.

Mr. Mattelson - I think I would have a hard time properly deliniating the relative values if I'd never studied and practiced comparing values with the Rielly/Munsell nine-value scale. In teaching in the illustration department at SVA, do you teach this 'relative value' method to beginning students? Or are values introduced initially in a different manner?

Thanks everyone for the input.

Minh Thong
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